
Awards & Honors

Top Resarcher Student Award

Received top researcher student award, 2019, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences (USWR).

1st Place in "Rehabilitation Start-up Trigger" competition

Received first place award in "Rehabilitation Start-up Trigger" competition as group leader, 2019, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences (USWR).

Conference Publications

Auditory comprehension disorder a core deficit in aphasia

Pedram Aliniaye Asli, Niloufar Dehghapour, Saeed Sheykh Chalandari, Zahra Sadat Ghoreyshi (2019).
In 11th Iranian Stroke Congress.
Iranian National Library, Tehran, Iran.
It was an oral presentation.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of Five sound therapy program in Persian language theater actors

Arezoo Hasanvand, Saeed Sheikh Chalandri, Pedram Aliniaye Asli, Niloufar Dehghanpour, Mohammadreza Miri (2019).
In 17th Iranian Speech Therapy Congress.
University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Seminar & Workshop


Python programming language and its application in rehabilitation research

4 & 5 Feb 2020, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences (USWR), Tehran, Iran. 


The Application of Brain Mapping in cognitive linguistic assessment and

12 & 13 Dec 2018.
National Brain Mapping Laboratory, Tehran, Iran.
Topics were about MRI, fMRI, TMS, tDCS, EEG, fNIRS and etc and their application in cognitive linguistic assessment and rehabilitation.


11th Iranian Stroke Congress

20 & 22 Feb 2019, Iranian National Library, Tehran, Iran.
Congress Website: IrStroke


Ministry of Health Language Exam (MHLE)

Total: 87/100
Listening Comprehension: 29
Structure: 33
Reading Comprehension: 25
This exam is taken by Ministery of Health and it is like TOEFL (pbt).