
Journal Research Publications

Preparation of Persian auditory comprehension test and determining its psychometric properties

Pedram Aliniaye Asli, Zahra Sadat Ghoreishi, Saman Maroufizadeh (2020).
Revised at Shenakht journal of Psychology & Psychiatry.


There are various tools for evaluation of auditory comprehension skill. One of this tools is Token auditory comprehension test. Because there is no Persian version of this test and because this useful test is very useful is a screening tool for evaluating speech and language disorders, we decided to prepare adapted Persian auditory comprehension test in this research. The goal of this research is preparing of Persian auditory comprehension test and determining its psychometric properties.

In this research which is a tool making, at first this version of test prepared with patterning from and translating the original version of auditory comprehension test. This test has been translated by official translation method of World Health Organization, which includes translation and retranslation and ended with persian version, then this translation got confirmation of experts panel. Persian version of test at first piloted on  patients with test and retest method and at last the final version used for testing 200 patients in 18 – 80 age range and the results has been gathered.

The Persian auditory comprehension test was prepared with 36 questions and 36 scores. In this study, 188 healthy individuals with an average age of 32.97±12.53 participated. The content validity rate based on the Lawshe and reliability of this test was calculated as 1 and 0.96, respectively. The average overall score of the test was calculated 34.8 with a standard deviation of 1.52.

According to the findings, the Persian auditory comprehension test has desired validity and reliability and is an accurate and appropriate tool for assessing the auditory comprehension of adults. The test can also be used to test the auditory comprehension of people with central nervous system injuries.

Keywords: persian auditory comprehension test, receptive language, psychometric test, persian

Lexical-semantic processing of action verbs and non-action nouns in Persian speakers: Behavioral evidence from the semantic similarity judgment task

Tabassom Azimi, Zahra-sadat Ghoreishi, Reza Nilipour, Morteza Farazi, Akram Ahmadi, Gopee Krishnan & Pedram Aliniaye Asli (2020).
Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, DOI: 10.1080/23279095.2020.1806844


The processing of sensory-motor aspect of word's meaning, and its difference between nouns and verbs, is the main topic of neurolinguistic research. The present study aimed to examine the lexical-semantic processing of Persian non-action nouns and action verbs. The possible effects of semantic correlates on noun/verb dissociation were evaluated without morphological confound. A total of 62 neurologically intact Persian speakers responded to a computerized semantic similarity judgment task, including 34 triplets of non-action nouns and 34 triplets of action verbs by pressing a key. Response Time (RT) and percentage error were considered as indirect measures of lexical-semantic encoding efficiency. We also assessed the latency of hand movement execution with no linguistic demand. The results showed that action verbs elicited more errors and had slower RT compared with object nouns. Mixed ANOVA revealed that the observed noun/verb distinction was not affected by demographic factors. These results provided evidence that the lexical-semantic encoding of Persian action verbs, compared to non-action nouns, requires more support from cognitive sources‏ ‏during the processing of the motor‏-‏related semantic feature. The possible accounts for the different processing of action verbs in terms of semantic view are suggested.

Keywords: Action, nouns, object, Persian, semantic processing, verbs

Conference Publications

Auditory comprehension disorder a core deficit in aphasia

Pedram Aliniaye Asli, Niloufar Dehghapour, Saeed Sheykh Chalandari, Zahra Sadat Ghoreyshi (2019).
In 11th Iranian Stroke Congress. Tehran Book Garden, Tehran, Iran. Download abstract: click here


Language disorder after stroke, first was noticed in 1865 by Broca. Language is the major communication channel that includes two main skills, expression and perception, which can be impaired individually or in combination. Schuell (1965) expressed auditory perception impairment is a core deficit in aphasia. Based on Schuell's idea it can be shown in all types of aphasia in different severity. There are a lot of comprehensive language assessment tools in Persian to evaluate language ability in Aphasic patients, such as P-WAB, PAB & BAT. In spite of the importance of comprehension disorder as a main problem in aphasia, there is no study about the performance of aphasic patients in comprehension tests. Based on previous studies comprehension test could be used as a screening test for determining aphasic patients and for indicating language comprehension disorder in detail, some aphasic patients can achieve high scores in language screening tests but these tests can’t determine the auditory perception deficit. The aim of this study is to assess persian aphasic patients with P-WAB and persian Token comprehension test simultaneously and compare the results of these two tests.

In this cross-sectional study, 6 adult patients with aphasia were assessed using P-WAB test and persian Token test (CVR =1, Reliability =0.8). Their performances were compared with matched normal subjects and their scores in these two tests were analyzed using correlational coefficient rate using SPSS 23.

Findings of present study indicate significant differences between persian Token test scores compared to normal adults. Based on the average scores of P-WAB and average scores of Token test (rs = 0.94) the patients were diagnosed as mild to severe in aphasia severity however they were under the 50 percent of the Token test score (1 to 18, mean SD: 10.92 6.38).

Although, these patients had the severity from mild to severe in aphasia, and they may have a more severe auditory perceptual deficit, which can confirm Sc statement that the auditory perception impairment is a main problem in all aphasia patients and this makes a necessity for assessing auditory perceptual deficit in CVA patients and therapeutic interventions for improving comprehension ability as followed.

Keywords: persian Token Test, language perception, language assessment

Evaluation of the effectiveness of Five sound therapy program in Persian language theater actors.

Arezoo Hasanvand, Saeed Sheikh Chalandri, Pedram Aliniaye Asli, Niloufar Dehghanpour, Mohammadreza Miri (2019).
In 17th Iranian Speech Therapy Congress. University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran. COI:  STMED17_093


Theater actors are among the most sensitive professional users of voice, and the slightest voice problems cause the most serious difficulties in their profession. Improper voice habits and lack of proper voice hygiene training cause significant changes in a person's voice and indicate the need to design a short-term treatment plan. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Five voice therapy program on the acoustic and perceptual profile of these individuals.

5 persons, 3 males and 2 females were subjected to Five's voice therapy program in a single-subject multiple baseline method with follow-up period with purposive sampling method. This program is for theater actors and includes five steps: teaching the anatomy and applied physiology of voice, voice hygiene and breathing exercises, principles of voice resonance, resonated voice therapy exercises and voice projection, and principles of voice warming and body posture correction and relaxation during 10 direct training sessions twice a week for 5 weeks and each session was 90 minutes then followed for 2 months each week. Weekly pre-test baseline assessments consisting of consensus auditory perceptual evaluation of voice, voice impairment index, volume intensity index and acoustic assessment were performed with multidimensional sound analysis program by scatter evaluation parameters in vowel drawing, number counting, sentence reading and continuous speech. Data analysis was performed by descriptive and multivariate statistics of Manova and graphical analysis and percentage of progress.

Significant changes were observed in the acoustic and qualitative characteristics of the participants' voices. According to the findings, all 5 subjects showed the improvement process in different sections of auditory perception assessment, cepstral, multidimensional sound analysis and improvement of hygiene knowledge and voice habits. Results remained constant in secondary follow-ups.

Five voice therapy program seems to be a short-term treatment method to reduce vocal complaints, improve acoustic and perceptual characteristics in actors. To generalize the present program, more research is needed for long-term effectiveness at the level of random group interventions.

Keywords: voice therapy program, theater actors, multidimensional voice analysis